
What a Week!

Wow, last week was crazy busy. I feel like I haven't sat down for a minute. The week started with both myself and Patrick getting all sneezy and has continued with some serious sinus stuff. So between running to and from Walgreens to get more kleenex. Staying at work late for Membership meetings and looking at houses! 

Yes, we spent Friday night researching some houses to look at and Saturday afternoon actually looking. Saturday was a BUST, we got home and figured there were no houses in ABQ that we liked enough to put an offer on. But, our awesome agent told us to get out on Sunday to look with her, boy am I glad we did! We put an offer in on the 3rd house we looked at. And, this morning I was so worried that we would get rejected or somebody would have gotten to the sellers before us. But, at noon today I got the call from our agent, the accepted the offer!!! Whooo! 

So between Membership meetings, alergies like whoa, and buying a house I was left with little time to actually quilt. And when I began to try to finish up Henry's quilt, my machine just didn't want to have anything to do with that. So, I have to take it in to the shop when we get back from Omaha. 

And now that we are purchasing a house, this blog just might have a little bit of everything in it!Hope you all stick around :) It's going to be fun, I am sure of it!

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