
Getting Acquainted Monday

Plum and June

I'm super excited about this link up with Plum and June. Today it is hosted by Janice at Better off Thread. This is my first time linking up, I'm hoping to get more acquainted with other amazing blogging women out there, and learning so much from them.

I whipped up this cute pillow, using some 3.5in scraps-and used a simple envelope back. Easiest pillow ever! I shadow quilted each seam with a 1/4in on all sides.

Scrappy Pilow
My sewing room was looking a little drab, and these squares make the room so much brighter! I have a sofa in there and the quilty cat loves to lay all over it, and now he has something pretty to love on.

I can see many more of these easy pillows in my future!

Hop on over to Better Off Thread, and check out the other great bloggers!


  1. What a bright and cheerful pillow! Great job!

  2. Your pillow looks great! Some of my fave fabrics are in there! Sure to brighten up that sewing room.

  3. Thanks Nicole & Joanie :) They do make the room bright :)


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