
A busy little Bee

This weekend was full of fun. There were garage sales, good food, lots of sun and some green beer and of course a little sewing!

I have a few (well more than a few) bee blocks to share today that I finished, and they should be with their owners by now or very close. These blocks have been so much fun to make over the last few weeks, and I am so glad that I have gotten involved in these bees and swaps. Currently I am in 3 Bee's and a Swap and I am having a blast, the ladies are so much fun and very creative and it's fun to be sewing with these ladies.

Bee White Black Bee Blocks

 February's Block for Mama Miss

March block for Leona

Mini String Block Swap
these blocks are 6.5x6.5 unfinished

Red's and green's string blocks

Bright string blocks (my fav)

Granny Square block bee

Red, aqua and pink for Jane
 Virtual Quilting Bee Block
for this bee I choose greens, light/dark grey and whites-very simple and different-and this one is staying with me. I can't wait to see all of the blocks together
Check out the bee and join over at Diary of a Quilter

Simply Solids Bee
I'm the queen bee in the simply solids bee for March and I choose the Tilt-A-Whirl block-you can find the tutorial at Fresh Lemon Quilts. My color choices and my the back for the quilt.
Simply Solids color choices

Tilt-A-Whirl Block

All of these blocks have been sent out, and I hope you ladies love them :) Happy Quilting!

monday link up


  1. ALL your blocks are so gorgeous. Swaps are so fun!

  2. Your bee blocks look amazing. I really like the granny ones...and hope to make a top very similar one of these days. =)

  3. Beautiful set of blocks! I've never been in a swap, but every time I see posts like this I think I should find one to be in...

  4. These are all super beautiful! Lots of variety = lots of fun. :)

  5. Great blocks! I've never been in a Bee, I lack confidence in my ability, I need a Bee for first-timers! :o)

  6. Wow, you really made a lot of bee blocks this month! I just love those Granny Squares and can probably never get tired of them. Thanks for linking up!


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