
WIP Wednesday: another scrappy trip


 I'm on my second trip. A scrappy trip quilt that is-and it's been a little rough this time around.

The first scrappy trip quilt I made was such a fun time, I couldn't help but make another. The first one I made was just a bunch of my favorite fabrics and no real plan, I just cut and paired 'em up.

This 'scrappy trip' is for my Grandma, and I set out with a plan-sort of...I had the fabric (more about that here) I knew I wanted one color to run down the center of each square, I debated between green or red. And then I got to thinking, 'do I really want to use these colors?' Of course all of the doubt came AFTER all the strips were cut and sewed into rows. So I made a couple blocks, and left the rest uncut and sitting in a pile on my sewing room floor, pouting just a bit about the mess I was getting myself into.

The last few days I had been staring at the wall of eight blocks, trying to find the ambition to finish up the rest of the blocks-and I did it! Today was a great day, I kept telling myself that if this quilt was going to be at Grandma's by Mother's Day then I needed to just do it. So, I got all of the strips cut and ready to go-to keep me motivated to move along.

I can't get enough of those binding clips-they are so great!

After I got the fist block of the morning done and up on the wall with the others, I was surprised at how much my opinion of the colors had changed. I guess a few weeks away from it really helped. 

First block of the day done-LOVE IT!
Once all of the blocks were done and arranged, rearranged and maybe rearranged again, I was in LOVE! I got them into a layout I was pleased with and realized all that worrying was for nothing!

Choosing the red for each of the center blocks is probably my favorite part, it really helps define the diamonds!

A finished top
I'm sure I will be dreaming of how to quilt this tonight, but my plan for now is to quilt in the diamond pattern you can see-maybe in the red and then a few in the middle. I'll keep dreaming!

Tonight, I'm linking up with over at a Quilt Story and tomorrow over at Freshly Pieced!


  1. I just caught the Trip Around bug. I love your fabric choice for this quilt. It has a warm comforting feel.

  2. Wow, your top is lovely! Great fabrics and wonderful placement.

  3. What a great way to use the clips (to keep rows of fabric together)! Thanks for sharing your organization tip!

  4. FABULOUS! Beautiful job! I love how it is off-centre.

  5. Even with a narrower range of colours, the effect you've achieved is really great! Lovely quilt.

  6. Oh that's beautiful. I'm sure your Grandma will love it.

  7. I love how this quilt turned out! Great colors/fabrics - love the red center.


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