
An Easter Finish

It's finished! I finally got around to finishing the English Garden's quilt. This is going to be Mother's Day quilt for Mom H. It's officially washed and dried to crinkly goodness, just waiting to be with her

This quilt top has been finished for a few months and just sitting in the UFO pile. I had just been procrastinating the quilting because I had no clue what to do. But after some consideration and wanting to get another 2013 finish I settled on straight line quilting.

So, yesterday morning I guilted (is that a word?) my husband into helping. I decided to try to spray baste this quilt. Recently I had read about spray basting and decided to pick up the supplies and give it a go. So we headed out to the driveway and got to work. Of course, as soon as we started getting the back taped and everything all situated-everybody in our neighborhood decided to drive by-isn't that the way it goes? But, we got it done in less than 10-minutes. No wrinkles, no pin pricks just a smooth quilt. This is where I started to worry about how it was going to go through the machine. I was prepared for the wrinkles-So I let it set another 10-15 minutes before I started feeding it through.

I choose to quilt 1/4 inch on either side of the vertical seams, I wanted to keep it simple and use straight lines.  Also, that's about all I feel confident doing. Someday FMQ will be something I try-maybe after a few classes at the LQS. 

I can not say enough good things about spray basting. Usually with pin basting I end up with a few puckers-even taking extra care they show up. I can with 100% honesty say I had ZERO puckers! Zero, I was amazed. This was by far my most favorite quilting experience, I didn't get pricked or scratched by those pesky little safety pins. I think working with a smaller quilt for my fist time spray basting also had a lot to do with it.

I finished quilting and binding this quilt in about 3 1/2 hours. Now to wait to give this to Mom H for Mother's Day, I just need to figure out a cute way to wrap it for her. Of course it wouldn't be a quilt from me if the Quilty Cat didn't help and of course I let him. It's hard to resist someone so stinking cute :)

I'm linking up over at From Pixels to Patchwork , Quilt Story and Sew Cute Tuesday! Hop on over and check out what everyone else is up to!


  1. Your quilt is so pretty! I like the mixture of lights and darks. I love spray basting! I've only had one bad experience with it and I think that was because the backing fabric was too slick (microfiber).

    Thank you for linking up to Let's Get Acquainted this week!

    1. Thank you for hosting! it's been so much fun seeing all the great projects out there :)

  2. Your quilt turned out great. I love to spray baste so much easier.

    1. Thanks Beth! I think I am going to use it way more now that I have had such good success!

  3. That's a lovely quilt! It's encouraging to hear such wonderful things about spray basting- I was thinking of giving it a try!


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